Why Do We?

Why do we do laundry and leave it in the basket? Or the “clean” pile of clothes? Or even go so far as to fold it, but not put it away?

Because this is the part of the chaos we can control. Why do we let dishes pile up, even though they either a) go into the dishwasher or b) it will take less than 10 minutes to wash them? Because after they are clean, they have to be put away too, like the laundry. But do we use them out of the washer or dish strainer instead of putting them away? Do we wait until we need room in the dishwasher or strainer to put them away, instead of completing the task? Why? Because, this too, is controlled chaos?

Is it easier to keep messes and clutter down in living spaces or let it build-up to the point of us being overwhelmed and keep putting it off- embarrassed if anyone mentions coming to visit- it’s always an excuse to not let that happen, or an excuse to not actually deal with that controlled chaos, and fix it… as not to be judged if someone does come over.

But if we don’t HAVE to do laundry, or dishes or clean messes… what do we have to do? We have the opportunity to be vulnerable, others are going through the same things.

Shouldn’t vulnerability be relieved by knowing that most people feel and act the same way you do?

We can’t control what happens out there, but we can try to control what’s in here. Just do it. And if we choose not to, make ourselves vulnerable to others, so they don’t feel alone.

One response to “Why Do We?

  1. Catherine Domme Stephenson


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